The Authentic Voice: Brand Writing Course

£33.00 every month for 6 months

Finding yourself, story, and language within your practice and brand: an instrumental writing course for creative practitioners by consultancy Studio 1850 and writer Jess Ione Henshall. Delivered monthly to your door, each chapter contains the support and practical exercises needed to unfurl your important and unique voice.

Notes from Elaine:
From 300+ consultancy sessions, I know the fear and frustration felt by many creatives when attempting to communicate their offerings, and the disheartening experience of many existing ‘brand communication’ programmes. Discussing this challenge with Jess in February of 2022 was the conception of this course — translating the seemingly tangled, intricate, and ‘otherly’ practice of writing for our brands into one that not just makes you the revenue desired, but that uncovers the very foundations of your business and self. In as little as six months time, this course will have provided you with the experience and self-trust needed to write freely, congruently, and compellingly — a unique library of copy and content that will consistently and clearly communicate you and your brand.

Notes from Jess:
Words are a vessel for voice that exist in the foundations of all that we do, as facilitators of connection and translators of worlds. They are multi-disciplined tools, first revealing our authentic selves, and then refining and translating this unearthed voice through the combined process of noticing, noting and forming.
The chapters included in The Authentic Voice are not an authority on writing, but are open spaces for exploration; a suggested framework to reveal and refine, each chapter yours to take and evolve as your own practice. It is a process that deepens with practice and play, gifting new ways of thinking and creating in-tune to our individual natures. Here, the discovery of the practice of writing may allow a clarity and understanding of self that transcends this written-form, acting as the foundations of thought and identity that runs through all else we do.

A printed course to your door, a chapter a month*:

  1. A way of seeing: Unlocking your perception by observing your outer world

  2. A meeting of self: Listening to your inner world

  3. The act of creating: Placing your findings on the page

  4. Allowing the mess: Collaging your found words together

  5. The shape of words: Finding the final forms

  6. The art of re-forming: Evolving (and re-using) your words

Includes additional free downloads for all provided exercise sheets.

*This course has been developed to span 6 months, but can be slowed to whatever speed suits you and your life best. You will also find it stays with you — far outlasting the step by step timeframes, and becoming a life-long practice you can consistently return to.


About the authors

Elaine Michell is the being behind Studio 1850; a space created almost ten years ago for brand design, and now balances this with a full time creative consultancy. Her studio is one of support and discovery — working with individuals and businesses alike to unearth their intentions and gently forge a powerful path for these to grow upon. Elaine’s passion lies with the person-centred (psychotherapeutic) approach, and weaves this authenticity, understanding and respect for all clients into her work.

“You were able to unwind the deepest thoughts surrounding not only my practice, but the type of designer, leader and also employer that I am. Your positivity and ability to really see me and carve away at some very deep roots has been extraordinary; but also to then shine a light on these in such a balanced, ethereal way without judgement. Who knew one session could be so impactful.”
— Consultancy client, 2022

Jess Ione Henshall graduated with a BA(hons) in Creative Writing from prestigious Falmouth University. Her profession is a creative and commercial writer as well as a jewellery maker — working together to tangibly express the way in which she profoundly experiences her world, herself, and her clients. Jess’ practice explores the intersections of body, place, self and other, drawing on experiences of chronic pain, craft, and life on an ever-conflicting coastline.

All imagery for this offering: Jess Ione Henshall



Do I need a business to do this?
Definitely not. Whilst this course has been created with a commercial offering in mind, it has enormous benefit for those with and without a business alike. Each chapter and exercise will bring confidence to your self-understanding, voice and writing, paving the way for your practice and brand.

What if I don’t have a voice, or think I have a ‘bad’ one?
Your voice is yours, and this is something that cannot be lost or judged as ‘bad’. This course supports you in finding what you want to say, and how you want to say it, in a truly intrinsic way. You will start to see writing as a practice not just achievable for you, but a tangible way in which to uncover and communicate.

Can I start this course anytime?
Yes —the timeframe is completely down to you and what suits your natural speed and availability best. You will receive your first chapter upon subscribing (whenever that is), then each additional one every month after that. The course has been developed to fit within this schedule, but there are no restrictions or deadlines to hold yourself to. It is important to do what suits you best.

Are there any lessons to attend?
No, this has been designed as a self-practice; allowing for everyone’s individual tempo and requirements.

Can I purchase this course as a gift?
Yes, and you are wonderful — ensure the delivery address is the recipients and, if wanted, email with your order number and a gift note (we’ll include this on a postcard in their first delivery).

I live outside of the UK, can I subscribe?
Most definitely — delivery charges will automatically calculate based on your location. Please note, Studio 1850 cannot take responsibility for any import taxes or additional charges that may be required.

Do you offer any alternative accessibility options?
Currently, this course is formatted as a printed English language document — please email for any questions about whether this would work for you. Our aim is to release this in other formats in the near future.

Do you offer grants?
To support those who know they would benefit from this course and are not in a position to purchase, the authors pay for two fully funded places every 6 months. Please email to be added to the waitlist with no questions asked. (A note: to account for higher postage costs, international grant places will be sent the complete course in one package, rather than the usual one chapter at a time.)

We are currently seeking additional financial support to allow for more funded places and hope to update you soon. If you’d like to discuss offering sponsorship (of many or one), we’d be so thrilled to hear from you.

I have an unanswered question
Please email so we can provide all the information you need.